Image of someone speaking to a crowd


We forget that our power as citizens lies not just in our rights as individuals, but in our responsibilities as a people for working together to build a better future.

—Diana McLain Smith, Author, Remaking the Space Between Us

"Remaking the Space Between Us" book cover

What people are saying

“This is an essential guidebook for our time.
Smith brings an extraordinary range of sources and insights to bear on the foremost challenge America now confronts.”

Yuval Levin, American Enterprise Institute

“Looking for ways to build a better America? Read this book! Remaking the Space Between Us lays out the responsibility we have as citizens and patriots to create opportunities for all, not just some.”

Deval Patrick, former Massachusetts Governor

Join the movement

The essays in Remaking the Space Between Us will inspire and empower you to work across divides for a better future for all, not just some. That may strike you as a stretch, but the stories you read in this book prove that it is possible; indeed it is already happening as the tens of thousands of citizens showcased in this book demonstrate. A powerful new movement is afoot. Join us!

My story

I began my life’s work in two communities on opposite sides of Boston, one predominantly Black, the other predominantly White, both made up of hard-working, low-income families. For twelve years, I worked alternately as a community organizer, a journalist, and a counselor alongside people struggling to navigate circumstances largely stacked against them. Where they went, I went—to their homes, their schools, the streets, the courts, even prison. The experience was a master class in hard-earned resilience on the one hand and learned helplessness on the other.

That experience eventually led me to return to school to figure out how to inspire and empower people to create systems that work for them, not against them. As an undergraduate at Boston University and as a doctoral student at Harvard, I had the privilege of learning from and working alongside some of the world’s best thinkers on how to navigate conflict and effect change in all kinds of systems from families (David Kantor) to organizations (Chris Argyris, Donald Schön, Ed Schein, Peter Senge) to nations (Howard Zinn, Roger Fisher).

For the past 40 years, I have led long-term change efforts in some of America’s most iconic businesses and cutting-edge nonprofits. Along the way, I discovered that it is possible to turn intergroup conflict into a powerful force for constructive change. Out of this fundamental insight, I developed an approach to conflict and change called Leading Through Relationships (LTR)™ with frameworks and tools captured in my own and others publications and used around the world by my colleagues and students.

In addition to dozens of articles, I am the author of Divide Or Conquer, The Elephant in the Room, and Remaking the Space Between Us, and the co-author of Action Science with Chris Argyris and Robert Putnam. As a partner at the Monitor Group, I chaired Monitor University, and as chief executive partner at New Profit, I led a culture change effort that readied the firm for future growth.

I share my life with negotiation expert and Getting to Yes co-author Bruce Patton, my husband of 30 years, a rambunctious border collie rescue, and a junkyard mutt. If we can make our marriage and cross-species family work, we can make America work.

Headshot of Diana McLain Smith

Diana McLain Smith

Heartfelt Gratitude


Vadym Malyshevskyi

Ukrainian artist, Vadym Malyshevskyi, created the artwork for the book cover. Vadym and his compatriots in Ukraine have been fighting for democracy ever since Russia first invaded the nation in 2014, the largest attack on a European country since World War II. Since their fight supports ours, let us support theirs. Please go to United24 or United Help Ukraine.


Pages & Platforms

Part coach, part strategist, part marketer, and all magician, Sue Campbell of Pages & Platforms is the mastermind behind the book’s launch. Sue founded this mission-driven and impact-obsessed firm with two other women writers: Anne Hawley and Rachelle Ramirez. Located on the west coast, the team works with authors across the country to ensure their stories and ideas reach their intended audience.


J Sherman Studio

Julie Sherman and her all-woman design team at J Sherman Studio designed the website and the logo. This east coast team has created a design studio with a conscience, dedicated to making brands look good and do good. Their talent for design and their passion for excellence are unparalleled. But after working with the studio since its inception, I can attest that it is their talent for teamwork that most sets them apart.


Ballast Books

Ballast Books is among a new wave of hybrid publishers democratizing and disrupting the publishing industry. Their business model opens publishing up to visionary authors with a purpose whose works often get overlooked by traditional publishers. Every step of the way, Ballast’s collaborative approach and exceptional quality has equaled or surpassed my experience of traditional publishers within the top seven.


My motley village

Just as it takes a village to raise a child, so does it take a village to create and develop ideas and to send them off into the world. I have been blessed with a motley group of friends and colleagues from all backgrounds, political persuasions, and walks of life. The one thread that connects them all is the grit, generosity, and curiosity they bring to navigating the most contentious differences.


Empowered citizens

In the face of a pandemic, racial reckonings, and rising polarization, tens of thousands of citizens across our country got to work, reaching across divides to create a better future. Although largely ignored by mainstream and social media, their numbers are growing larger and their impact wider. The more of us who join these efforts, the harder it will be to ignore them and the easier it will be for our democracy to overcome the obstacles it faces. This book is for you, written with love and gratitude.

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